
Monday, July 29, 2013


Run: Free Run (free from technology)
*I do a "free" run once a week to remove myself from training mode and instead, to enjoy the run itself.
Distance: (Unaccounted for)
Pace: (Un-timed)
(A few shots from my run this morning)
Happy Monday everyone!
This morning I woke to an obnoxious blaring beeping noise at the crack of dawn (5am) and was extremely tempted to hit the snooze button. Why do Monday mornings seem to be the worst?! This brings me to my own personal philosophy about early morning workouts and how easily a set routine can help achieve a great AM workout. It's extremely hard (especially at first) to bring yourself to roll out of bed, throw on some work out gear and get out the door. I mean come on, who wouldn't want to stay in the warmth of a comfy bed? For me, I always tell myself this:
You will never regret exercising.
Whether you are moving for 20 minutes or an hour, it doesn't matter. Getting out and moving will not only make you feel better physically, but mentally as well. Trust me, you will never come back from a work out saying, "Man, I wish I would have stayed in bed." Your body craves the endorphins. So besides saying to yourself, "I will not regret this workout." What else can you do? Here are a few helpful tips that I personally have found effective:
Get your clothes ready the night before. This is helpful because it will be ready to go for you in the morning. Typically, when you are rolling out of bed, you are half awake and do not want to spend time searching for those shorts that you left somewhere, but can't remember WHERE you put them.
Evaluate your time, prioritize and be realistic. Create a do-able work out schedule for each week. Be aware of the time you have available and make exercise a priority. Something that drives me crazy is when people say, "I didn't have time to work out today." That is not the case, think back on your day, did you really not have time or did you fail to make exercise a priority. By human nature, we make time for the things we care most about. If you don't make exercise a priority and a necessity to your everyday routine, there's a good chance that you will not stick with the it. I have one day each week where I begin work very early and get off much earlier in the day. This one day a week is when I have time available to get my weekly errands done. For me, I have come to realize that I have better luck doing a short but intensive work out (still prioritizing exercise but also making sure that I am taking care of what works with my weekly routine and schedule).
Have your running route or fitness routine ready to go and planned the night before. This will help you stay motivated and excited about your work out. It has also helped me a bit to take time on Sundays to plan my weekly work out. Whether you do your workouts on the days you planned or not, make sure you are doing something and staying close to your plan. It will keep you accountable. I know I have had days where I am not up for a hill work out, instead, I'd rather do my tempo run that day...that's okay! Having a plan is KEY! When I'm planning my morning routes, I use the MapMyRun website. It's a great tool! Nike Training Club is a great app for weight and body workouts. I use the app three times a week and always FEEL THE BURN!
Allow yourself to indulge in fitness apparel that makes you feel confident! Your confidence will reflect your work out. Treat yourself, it's okay to do.
Create achievable goals. If you've never run a mile in your life, don't commit to a marathon. Share your goals with your friends and family. This holds you accountable and allows others to support and cheer you on throughout the process. Saying it out loud allows it to feel real and doable. Make 1 to 3 small goals for yourself to achieve. If you are looking for a local race in northwest, Race Center Northwest ( has a massive list of races of all lengths and variety.
My last piece of advice...
This is something I live by. Do this for yourself, not anyone else. We all have bad days or bad periods of time in our lives and that's okay. Remember to always take care of yourself. Some things are out of our control but all we can do is make the most of the life we are given and move forward. Running has been that something that I can give myself...well...that and chocolate. Ha. Anyway, Find what makes you happy and allow yourself to indulge every once in a while. Starting my day with a good run is something that I do for myself before I officially start my day. I have already made myself proud before my day has officially begun. I am always in a better mood because of it.
So those are my quick tips for getting yourself out the door and moving. Do something for yourself tomorrow!

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