
Thursday, October 17, 2013

A List Of Runner Reads

Thursday: upper body (arms and shoulders) weights--45 mins

I am a tad bit infatuated with running. I think about it constantly. I mean, it is always on my mind. I'm sure people think that I am straight up nutty for talking about it so often. When I meet someone who likes to run, I feel like...
That's the thing about this beautiful sport, you feel an instant connection to one another. It's like this:

One way that I fuel my desire to be a better runner is to read about running---if I'm not physically running or blogging about running, better believe I am reading about it!    
{Obsessed...I know... I guess there could be worse things to be obsessed about, right??} 
I crave running knowledge. I am passionate about learning better techniques, fueling and most of all, stories of other runners just like you and I. I recently read a few great books but want to add a few more to my list of "must reads". 
Here are a few that I have read and enjoyed:
Written by one of Runners World's greatest--Amby Burfoot. A great collection of running inspired quotes of pain, beauty and utter happiness. This book is also filled with some of Amby's greatest moments in his running career. It's a short read but every runner should own a copy to remind them of how precious the gift of running can be. 

(Still in the midst of reading this one) A biography about the man and the legend: Steve PREfontaine.

Editor and Chief--Bart Yasso shares some of his most amazing running adventures in this novel.  Through his hard-headed personality and sarcastic wit, Bart shares some greatest race moments with us all. Some of the races he has participated in are insane! 

And here are few that are on my "next to read" list:

(So the books below are not running related but also look extremely interesting as a runner trying to properly fuel his/her body) 

 Have you read (or heard of) any of these books? Do you have any recommendations for a great read?

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