
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mighty Picks

Brussel sprouts.
I have been obsessed with these lately! I was never a big fan, but suddenly, they're my new fav. I added them to some pasta with pesto and spicy italian sausage (bomb!) and I also used them as a side with grilled tilapia and rice.
I have like 4 bags in my fridge right now, I'm not even joking. 

My SBMR Protein Smoothie
I just can't get enough of this thing! It's my go-to afternoon-I'm-crashing-give-me-some-sugar drink! Healthier alternative to my usual snack: chocolate, coffee and more chocolate.

I received a sample of the Chocolate Caramel NoGii bar and it was so good! Seriously tasted like a candy bar (YUM). Gluten free too! 

Yoga has been my savior this week. My L-O-V-E-L-Y allergies have been kicking my behind. Breathing any sort of fresh air turns me into a giant pile of mucus, aches and pains.
--->Yeah, I know, Danny is a pretty lucky guy to be married to this snotty, hot mess. :)  
So yeah, indoors it is until my body lets me run normally again
(Oh dear lord, I hope that happens soon!)

Arm curls.
Why? Because I finally got up to lifting 15lbs this week! YA! YA! YAAAAA!
Guys, you don't even understand.
I have been trying to work up to that weight for SO long. I have had such weak bicep muscles for a long time and now I am feeling so incredibly strong these days! Cross training is paying off!
 (insert happy dance here)
So yeah, I'm diggin' those 15lb arm curls, baby!

Power Song:
Because...well, this song just makes me happy!

See...don't you feel happier now?! :)

Any favorite picks for you this week?

Share them!


  1. My favorite healthy side this week was vegetables in panko bread crumbs. Sliced eggplant and zucchini in thin slices, dip them in non-fat plain greek yoghurt, then dip in panko bread crumbs that have a little Old Bay Seasoning sprinkled in. Place on cookie sheet sprayed with olive oil spray, then spray slices with olive oil spray. Cook at 400 degrees for 20 minutes then take out and flip slices over. Cook another 20 minutes or so until browned. They're crispy on the outside, but moist on the inside. Delicious!

  2. I never like brussel sprouts until I had them roasted one seems like all veggies are amazing roasted! My mighty pick for food would have to be apples. Some days I have to stop myself at 2-I really love them. As for exercise my pick would be running outside. With the cold temps, the snow and the awful air quaility I'm not able to run outside as much as i 'd like. Si when I do (like mast weekend) I truly enjoy it.

    1. That's great Lesleigh! I agree--most veggies are great roasted! And apples are also always on my grocery list, I can't seem to get enough of them! Keep up the hard work with your outdoor running--it can be very tough in the cold temps! Thank you for sharing.
