This morning I wanted to try something a little different. I've seen many bloggers post this idea of a "virtual coffee date" to discuss things that are going on in their lives and to open up the conversation with their audience. The idea is to get to know each other a little better, we're all in this together, right? So the format goes like this, If we were having coffee right now, I would tell you that... (and you would respond with anything you want to talk about at this moment: concerns, exciting events, struggles, opportunities, and so on) So let's give this a try, shall we?
If we were having coffee right now, I would tell you that... We are in the process of buying our first home!! I know, super exciting, right? But also so incredibly scary. This is one of the biggest decisions we will ever make in our lives and the closer we get in the process, the more real it becomes, the more I question if it's the right decision and the more I just want someone to just tell me "Yes! You are making the absolute perfect choice for you." or "What do you think you are doing? This is definitely not the home for you, keep looking." However, that isn't going to happen. This is a decision we have to make on our own. I guess this is what growing up is all about. Everything has just moved so quickly so in an incredibly exciting/nerve-wrecking/anxiety-ridden trip we are enjoying every second and going into this experience as a team.
If we were having coffee right now, I would tell you that... This week felt amazing to run. I have an awful immune system and am constantly sick during the months of January and February--it's so annoying. I have felt so awful and the thought of exerting my body in a run just sounds exhausting. This week, I pushed myself and made my mind enjoy the moment. This really helped through the pain and aches that I was feeling. I forget how much I miss it. I love the feeling of a run.
If we were having coffee right now, I would tell you that... Sometimes I just want to get through my run so I can feel that adrenaline rush at the end. Yet, I have learned that if I'm only looking toward the end of my run, I miss out on the beauty within the moment. I had this revelation yesterday during my run (hints the above, enjoying the moment comment.) I find my run much more enjoyable the entire time if I stop worrying about how much longer I have to go or what time it is, etc. Never rush through the process, the process is the beauty of it all.
If we were having coffee right now, I would tell you that... I love Sundays. I purposefully make Sundays "do absolutely NOTHING" days. I love waking up before my husband is out of bed, drinking my coffee, catching up on blog posts and reading other people's blogs. I love the silence on Sunday mornings.
If we were having coffee right now, I would tell you that... I'm really not missing sugar. I haven't had those dire cravings that I did a few weeks ago. I have had a few little treats here and there but when it comes to baking at home, I really love the natural sweeteners and do not feel like it tastes much different. I have noticed that I don't feel as achy and terrible as I did. I am definitely aware of my sugar intake and know that there are other options for sugar that are more beneficial to my health. It's about balance, and I feel that I have done that.
Now tell me what is going on with you.
If we were having coffee right now, what would you tell me?
Aaaah! Home buying! Good luck!!!