If we were having coffee right now, I would tell you that...This last week was craziness! As we go through the process of buying a home, there is a lot of paperwork to be signed, a lot of appointments to attend and a lot to get done in a very short time. With a full time job, it's been a balancing act this week. I felt absolutely wiped at the end of the week and was ready for a relaxing weekend!
If we were having coffee right now, I would tell you that...I haven't stuck to my usual fitness routine this week. I have exercised every day but not with the same intensity that is much more typical of my weekly routine. I have been focusing more on Barre3, yoga and shorter running distances on the treadmill, and I'm okay with that. When life gets chaotic, it's important to slow down and listen to your body.
If we were having coffee right now, I would tell you that...I literally didn't look at anything related to blogging all week. To focus on some really big decisions in my personal life this week, I took a break from blogging. I love blogging and I love this little community but I needed to prioritize this week. I'm hoping to be present much more this upcoming week in blogland.
If we were having coffee right now, I would tell you that...I completely blew off my "no sugar" rule. I KNOW! I'm terrible. It's like this massive craving cloud hovered over me, tempted me with it's chocolately goodness and slowly consumed every ounce of me! Bah! I'm sure it's related to being exhausted from the week but still, that's no excuse. It's a process to change your habits so sometimes we succeed and other times we fail. The important thing, is that we get up and try again as we keep our goal in mind and work toward it until that becomes our new habit.
If we were having coffee right now, I would tell you that...I am SUPER excited to be traveling to Seattle this weekend for the Hot Chocolate 15k!! I have no clue how this race will go (since I have been sick for like a month straight) and I am in no way in my peak running shape. Either way, I'm going into this race focusing on having fun and enjoying some time away to just decompress from everything that has been going on lately. I am headed up there with my running partner for life/amazing friend Sarah.
What about you? How has your week and weekend been?
What do you have going on in your life?
I find that when I try to restrict myself of something just want it worse - thats why I never do it anymore. Good luck with the race in Seattle. I'm excited to see how it goes!